In the US by State
May 2, 2024
Covid-19 count data is likely under-reported due to many reasons:
Under-reported data can bias the estimates to be lower than they really are, can be thought of as unintentional missing data.
lung cancer as a more serious disease may not be as under-reported and might not benefit from using an under reported model.
It is reasonable to assume there is low under-reporting of lung cancer in the US;
Distribution of response
Characteristic | N = 491 |
Positive tests | 7,562 (3,618, 21,742) |
Total tests | 81,465 (42,667, 161,181) |
Testing Rate | 0.018 (0.015, 0.027) |
Population Density | 106 (52, 231) |
Air Pollution | 7.40 (6.80, 8.20) |
Obesity | 30.9 (28.7, 34.4) |
Smoking | 16.10 (14.50, 19.00) |
Excessive Drinking | 18.20 (16.40, 19.40) |
1 Median (IQR) |
Not exhaustive list of variables and summary statistics
Model comparison methods
\[\begin{align*} y_i \sim \text{Poisson}(&\lambda_i) \\ &\downarrow \\ \log(&\lambda_i) = \alpha + \sum_{i=1}^{8} \beta_i x_i + \phi_i \\ &\phi_i \sim \text{Car}(0, \tau) \end{align*}\]
let \(z_s\) be the observed (under-reported) counts, \(y_t\) be the true unknown counts, \(\pi_s\) be the under-reporting rate, and \(\lambda_s\) be the Poisson mean.
The hierarchical model can be written as, \[\begin{align*} z_{s} | y_{s} \sim \text{Binomial}(\pi_s, &y_{s}) \\ &\downarrow \\ &y_{s} \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{s}) \end{align*}\] where \(\pi_s\) uses a logit link function and \(\lambda_s\) uses a log link function to determine values for the parameters.
Under-reporting | Cases |
Observed | 1,071,003.00 |
Predicted 5% | 1,127,881.50 |
Predicted 50% | 1,237,461.00 |
Predicted 95% | 1,458,510.20 |
Under-reporting | Cases |
Observed | 196,370.00 |
Predicted 5% | 195,568.65 |
Predicted 50% | 196,374.75 |
Predicted 95% | 197,219.53 |
Response | Method | WAIC |
Covid | Simple | 1,962,286.00 |
Spatial | 628.14 | |
Under-reporting | 616.02 | |
Cancer | Simple | 106,727.20 |
Spatial | 539.39 | |
Under-reporting | 535.59 |
Nathen Byford