[Stoner et al.]
April 24, 2024
The censored likelihood is written as
\[ p(\boldsymbol{y} | \boldsymbol{z, \theta}) = \prod_{I_i=1} p(y_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) \prod_{I_i = 0} p(y_i \ge z_i | \boldsymbol{\theta}) \]
Where \(I_i\) is the indicator for which data are under reported.
The Poisson-Logistic or Pogit model is given by \[\begin{align*} z_i | y_i &\sim \text{Binomial}(\pi_i, y_i) \\ \log \left(\frac{\pi_i}{1 - \pi_i}\right) &= \beta_0 + \sum_{j=1}^{J} \beta_j w_i^{j} \\ y_i &\sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_i) \\ \log(\lambda_i) &= \alpha_0 + \sum_{k=1}^{K}\alpha_k x_i^{(k)} \end{align*}\]
Let \(z_{t, s}\) be the observed (under reported) counts, \(y_{t, s}\) be the true unknown counts, \(\pi_s\) be the under reporting rate, and \(\lambda_{t, s}\) be the Poisson mean.
The hierarchical model from the paper is \[\begin{align*} z_{t, s} | y_{t, s}, \gamma_{t, s} \sim \text{Binomial}(\pi_s, &y_{t, s}) \\ &\downarrow \\ &y_{t, s} | \phi_s, \theta_s \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{t, s}). \end{align*}\] Where \(\pi_s\) and \(\lambda_{t, s}\) are defined as \[\begin{align*} \log\left(\frac{\pi_s}{1 - \pi_s}\right) &= \beta_0 + g(u_s) + \gamma_{t, s} \\ \log(\lambda_{t, s}) &= \log(P_{t, s}) + a_0 + f_1(x_s^{(1)}) + f_2(x_s^{(2)}) \\ &\quad + f_3(x_s^{(3)}) + f_4(x_s^{(4)}) + \phi_s + \theta_s. \end{align*}\]
Taking a closer look at the link functions for \(\pi_s\) and \(\lambda_{t,s}\),
\[\begin{align*} \log\left(\frac{\pi_s}{1 - \pi_s}\right) &= \beta_0 + g(u_s) + \gamma_{t, s} \\ \log(\lambda_{t, s}) &= \log(P_{t, s}) + a_0 + f_1(x_s^{(1)}) + f_2(x_s^{(2)}) \\ &\quad + f_3(x_s^{(3)}) + f_4(x_s^{(4)}) + \phi_s + \theta_s. \end{align*}\]
Where; \(u_s\) = treatment timeliness, \(P_{t, s}\) = population, \(x_s^{(1)}\) = unemployment, \(x_s^{(2)}\) = urbanization, \(x_s^{(3)}\) = density, and \(x_s^{(4)}\) = indigenous.
Residual spatial variation in the Poisson mean \(\lambda_{t,s}\) is captured by unstructured random effects \(\theta_s\) and structured effects in \(\phi_s\).
Taking a closer look at the link functions for \(\pi_s\) and \(\lambda_{t,s}\),
\[\begin{align*} \log\left(\frac{\pi_s}{1 - \pi_s}\right) &= \beta_0 + g(u_s) + \gamma_{t, s} \\ \log(\lambda_{t, s}) &= \log(P_{t, s}) + a_0 + f_1(x_s^{(1)}) + f_2(x_s^{(2)}) \\ &\quad + f_3(x_s^{(3)}) + f_4(x_s^{(4)}) + \phi_s + \theta_s. \end{align*}\]
Where; \(u_s\) = treatment timeliness, \(P_{t, s}\) = population, \(x_s^{(1)}\) = unemployment, \(x_s^{(2)}\) = urbanization, \(x_s^{(3)}\) = density, and \(x_s^{(4)}\) = indigenous.
Residual spatial variation in the Poisson mean \(\lambda_{t,s}\) is captured by unstructured random effects \(\theta_s\) and structured effects in \(\phi_s\).
An ICAR1 model was assumed for the structured spatial effect \(\phi_s\) with variance \(\nu^2\).
Normal models were assumed for \(\theta_s\) and \(\gamma_{t, s}\) with variance \(\sigma^2\) and \(\epsilon^2\) respectively.
Here the observed counts are shown along with the 5%, 50%, and 95% quantiles for the predicted unreported cases.
Nathen Byford